We assist local businesses in tripling their customer base



CANVUS Design Studio has a core focus in working with real estate businesses just like yours. Using proven methods, we deliver impeccable services, results and business growth for our clients. Ready to learn more?

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Who We Are

Learn how our agency can help you grow.

CANVUS Design Studio has deep expertise in partnering with companies in the real estate industry. We are known for our proven methods that eliminate the “guesswork” in social media and turn it into a predictable revenue source that helps grow our clients’ businesses.

Book a call today if you are looking to grow your business in the next 90 days, and learn more about how we have helped businesses just like yours scale!

What We Do

Here’s the services we provide to clients.

Content Creation

Craft compelling visuals and captivating copy that resonate with your audience.

Community Engagement

Foster connections and build rapport with your target market through active engagement strategies.

Analytics & Performance

Gain invaluable insights into your social media performance to refine your strategy and enhance results.

View Projects

Look at some of our social media samples.

Got Questions

Commonly asked questions by our clients.

How do we start the process with CANVUS Design Studio?

It’s simple! Schedule a free consultation through our website. We’ll discuss your business goals, evaluate your current social media presence, and create a tailored plan to meet your needs.

What does the free consultation include?

The free consultation is a comprehensive assessment of your social media needs. We’ll analyze your current strategy, suggest improvements, and propose a plan of action. This is completely free, with no obligation to commit.

How much does your service cost after the consultation?

We offer fair monthly-rate pricing with no hidden fees. The cost depends on the scope of work and the level of service you require. During the consultation, we’ll provide a transparent quote based on your specific needs.

What if I'm not satisfied with the service?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with our services within the first 30 days, we’ll refund your payment, no questions asked. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

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